Mastering Office 365 Migration and Power BI Services for Business Growth

Estimated read time 4 min read

Lately, many companies have tried to maximize the efficiency of their employees by providing them with numerous benefits and advantages. One of the methods that companies have provided their employees is offering them online working opportunities.

To provide and achieve effective online working conditions, companies have started to integrate the usage of Microsoft Office 365 – which is a productivity software that connects numerous types of applications to a single platform, making everything accessible for employees easily and quickly.

On the other hand, Microsoft has also made it possible for companies to use Power BI and integrate Microsoft 365 into it. Power BI is developed to provide data analytics and numerous types of data visualization to users. When connecting Microsoft Office 365 to Power BI, companies will be able to draw different types of data analytics which will help them in their decision-making process, by using all the applications included in Office 365.

Even though integrating Office 365 to Power BI can be achieved seamlessly, it is important to reach out to Office 365 consultants to ensure all important data is migrated into the tool, avoiding possible data loss that could have been confidential and important to the business’s operations. 

Thus, integrating Microsoft Office 365 and Power BI can help businesses grow by allowing them to make better-informed decisions. 

How Does Migrating Office 365 Help With Business Growth

As mentioned above, Office 365 migration to Power BI can help organizations grow their businesses and achieve better success. 

First and foremost, the automatic data analysis that the tool can provide to users can help reduce employees’ time and allow them to concentrate more on other important tasks. 

Additionally, with Microsoft 365 and its connection to Power BI, company employees have the chance of collaborating within a shared space, making their workflow easier and reducing the amount of bottlenecks in the business’s operations. 

Since there will be an increase in the bottlenecks, employees are more likely to be satisfied with their work because of the reduced number of obstacles in their working process. This has proven to increase employee motivation and productivity.

Lastly, using Office 365 and Power BI, companies will be able to reduce some of the fixed costs associated with subscribing to analytical tools. Since both Office 365 and Power BI are developed by Microsoft, businesses that use both platforms might be offered discounts and bulk purchase options when negotiated with the application providers. 

Hence, increased employee motivation, reduced number of bottlenecks, and decrease in some of the costs can help businesses grow and increase their profits. 

Steps to migrate Office 365

Here are the basics steps when preparing to migrate Office 365 into Power BI:

Identify the data source and prepare for migration

One of the most important steps when migrating data to Power BI is the identification process. Those responsible for the migration must ensure all important data is saved in backup storage to avoid losing data when the migration process is interrupted. 

The chances of interruptions during the migration are low, however, it is better to have everything backed up. 

On the other hand, it is important to identify all types of data that need to be migrated, such as Documents, PDF files, JPEGs, Spreadsheets, etc.

Connect Power BI to Office 365

Now that all the data that needs to be migrated is available and ready for migration, it is time to connect Power BI to Office 365. 

To do this, businesses are required to create a business account on Power BI and connect it to Office 365 to begin the migration process. 

Choose the migration method best fit for your business

When the Power BI account is created, companies are required to choose the best method of migration for their business. 

One of the ways that companies will be able to migrate the data is through SharePoint – which is also one of the Microsoft products. Uploading all the data might take some time, however, using SharePoint as an intermediary cloud storage can lead to successful outcomes. 

Transform the data

After everything is uploaded on the company’s SharePoint, Power BI allows users to transfer everything easily by the following steps:

From the Power BI desktop → “Get Data” → “SharePoint Online List” → Enter URL → Transform Data

Create accounts for all employees

All employees should have access to Power BI, and this is achieved by providing them with Power BI accounts. Thus, employee accounts should be created.

Analyze the results of the migration

After repeating this process numerous times, all the data will be migrated into Power BI, allowing businesses to use the features offered by the tool.


To conclude, Power BI provides businesses with one of the best analytical tools offered online, allowing them to work collaboratively on a safe platform, and achieve business growth.

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