An employment attorney is an expert lawyer who works with employers and employees to resolve a wide range of issues.
Regardless of the industry you work in or the business that you run, you can’t always avoid workplace issues. Some can be resolved without the need for legal action, while others require the help of an attorney.
Employment attorneys don’t just deal with legal issues and claims. They can also aid with the formation and termination of employment contracts, and the creation of workplace policies. If you’re a business owner, you can choose to hire an attorney to work with you in the long term or on a one-off basis when you’re having legal troubles.
In this article, we’re going to focus on how one of the expert employment attorneys at HKM can help you as a business owner or an employee.
Creating Employment Contracts
Writing employment contracts can be a timely and complex process, and it’s easy to get wrong. If you’re writing your own contracts without the help of a lawyer, you might miss important information or make major errors that leave your contracts open to abuse.
By hiring an employment attorney, you can ensure that your contracts are free of loopholes and errors. If you’ve already got a number of different contracts in place, an attorney can read through them and make edits if necessary.
Signing Employment Contracts
When you start a new job or hire a new employee after an interview, you’ll need to sign several documents. These documents might include employment agreements and contracts that outline the roles and responsibilities of both parties during the period of employment.
Reading through complicated contracts that are full of legal jargon can be intimidating, and you might have no idea what you’re signing.
An employment lawyer can read through your documents before you sign them to help you fully understand their contents. They’ll break down legal terminology in a way that you understand, so you know your rights and responsibilities before the contract begins.
Fighting a Wrongful Termination Case
It’s usually employees who raise cases of wrongful termination. However, you’ll still need to hire an attorney if you’re dealing with this issue as an employer, so we’ll discuss this legal issue from both sides.
Wrongful termination occurs when an employer fires an employee illegally. For example, dismissal due to protected characteristics could be classed as discrimination and falls into the wrongful termination category.
As an employee, you can file against your employer if you feel that they have terminated your contract unfairly. If they fail to provide a valid reason for the termination, you could create a legal claim to get your job back or gain compensation.
If you’re an employer, you’ll need an employment attorney to represent your case in a court of law if one of your employees files a wrongful termination claim against you.
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